Your New Year HVAC Checklist

a couple (man & woman) looking at a laptop with their dog on the couch

Your home’s heating and cooling system work hard to keep you comfortable all year long. With the new year, it is a good idea to make sure that the system is getting the attention it deserves. Use this checklist as a starting point for proper care of your home’s heating and cooling system.

Change Air Filters

Your heating and cooling system has an air filter. It is located near the air handler or air blower. The filters are big, and they are designed to collect tiny particles from the air before it is blown into the air ducts of your house. Once the filter’s pores are coated, the filter no longer does a good job. A dirty air filter decreases a heating system or cooling system’s efficiency by as much as 30 percent. Check the filter monthly and change it every 60 to 90 days.

Schedule Springtime Maintenance

Our technicians at All Airs Home Services recommend a springtime tune-up for your cooling system and an autumn tune-up for your heating system. Keep in mind that the maintenance schedule fills up fast, so it’s best to call early for an appointment. Plan to call about four to six weeks in advance. A tune-up visit takes about one hour. If our technicians find a problem, we may fix it during the same visit or schedule a separate repair visit.

Adjust The Thermostat

When the season changes, so should your thermostat. A programmable thermostat is a great investment if you do not already have one. You can set the schedule for overnight, wake, daytime and evening hours. In the summertime, increase the temperature when you’re away from home. In the wintertime, decrease the temperature during the hours that you’re out of the house. Doing this could help you lower your energy bills.

Dust The Vents

Use a microfiber cloth to dust the air vents in your home. You can also do this to the housing of the outdoor compressor unit of a heat pump or air conditioner.

For more tips on heating and cooling maintenance, contact us at All Airs Home Services of Kennesaw at any time.